Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : Russians love Tarkan

17-05-07, 00:27
Side chosen for Russian pop star video shoots

Russian pop singer Kalemkina Tatiana, 26, recorded several videos for her latest album, “I’m a woman” -- including the title track -- in the resort of Side. The video, directed by Anisimov Sergev, was shot in the ancient ruins at Side (Antik Kent) and on its beach. The Russian popstrel’s first album, “Rose,” sold 150,000 copies upon its release in Russia two years ago. Noting that it was her first visit to Turkey and that her album would go on sale on June 15 in Russia, Tatiana said she has recorded music videos for her songs “I’m a Woman,” “My Darling Love” and “Freedom” in Side. “My idols are Russian singer Philip Kirkova and Turkish pop singer Tarkan Tevetlioğlu. Russians love Tarkan very much,” she said, adding that she would love to duet with Tarkan. “We finished the video shoot in three days. After my album launches in June in Moscow, I will come back to Side on Aug. 20 for a holiday,” Tatiana revealed.

To read more click here [Today's Zaman] (http://www.todayszaman.com/tz-web/detaylar.do?load=detay&link=111280)

17-05-07, 11:26
ohh that's cool,thanks Kenan:20:

17-05-07, 18:14
mmmmm and people in uae love tarkan also and they say "omwaaah" singer as a shirmak song

25-05-07, 17:43
who is don't love tarkan?! no body can .. all people around the world love the prince TarkaN :1:

nice hot news from u kenan .. thank u dear .. :41: